Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hi. Just a quick entry here to establish the day and time of opening this new adventure called Mr. Bob's Blog. Looking forward to having some fun, as well as other discussions. Mr. Bob


mr.bob said...

Hi, it's just me Mr. Bob wanting to thank my son, Marc, for encouraging me to open this blog. Looking forward to working closely with you on this adventure Marc. Thanks. Mr. Bob

Your Fan Marc said...

Dad... it's great to see you online and blogging on your own space. I look forward to helping you turn this... into the place to be!

mr.bob said...

Hi out there. In trying to determine the theme, or themes of my Blog site, the first category I feel I have a good handle on is Elvis...mostly his impact on us as lovers of his music. I am not that big of a souvenirs fan, as it is his music that has motivated my life.
Another area of consideration is in the area of motivation, mostly based on three books. Think and go rich, The greatest salesman in the world, and The science of getting rich.
The last category that I may explore is the Island of Tobago and about twenty other Islands that I've had the opportunity of living and working on.
So I leave this for now, until i can figure out how to attract an audience . My son is my greatest motivator, and the guy who bails me out of all my jams, so I will consult with him on the how and why to do this. Ciao. Mr. Bob

mr.bob said...

"He came out walking",and it is that determination that has stayed with him all of his life. My son,Marc, was a Breach Born Baby, in other words, he appeared feet first as opposed to head first. And he's been my kind of winner since his birth. There are many characteristics about this young man that makes up the congenial getleman that he is. Always with a ready smile, for everyone, and a friendly handshake, that's Marc. To see him or catch him in a foul mood would be a rarity. He keeps his personal stuff to himself, and would probably open up only to his lovely fiancee....yet he would never refuse to listen to any burdens that you might have...and without doubt he would pick the right solution for your dilema.
He has a wicked sense of humor and uses it so smartly, in terse situations, that helps with the lessening of tensions.
He never prejudges people and will never say things of a degradatory nature about anyone. He is a good, hard worker and has gone more than the extra mile for everyone that he has ever worked for.
he has a personal carreer project that he has been working on for quite a while. His devotion to this project sees him working as many hours at home as he does during the day. He has become successful in being recognized by Microsoft and H.P. To do such required many hours of input on his part. With his incredulous ambition and, determination, and knowledge, Marc can only succed at anything he desires. He has gained the utmost respect from his co-workers and his peers in his line of work. He is bright as has been shown in his accomplishments in his profession and his personal life.
I could go on raving about this special person, but I'd like to add a few things later on. As my son, Marc has been my mentor in my life. HE has wisdom in his directives for me, he has compassion for some of my downfalls, and he has bought me out of many slumps in my life. This may sound strange, but if I had someone to pick as my father, it would be my son. I'm more than blessed to have this young man as my son, and I wouldn't give him up for the world. Thanks

Your Fan Marc said...

Dad... I thank you for the kind words... as always you are my biggest fan and I am blessed to have such a good man as my father.

Also... I'm glad to hear I came out feet first... my mom led me to believe it was with my butt that I introduced myself to the world :-)

You should know that I probably get my happy disposition from you as everyone always sais "your dad seems so happy" so I thank you for that too!

May I suggest that you start creating new posts... as comments to your original post are best suited to reflect comments to the original as opposed to new ideas.

Dad... your a superstar and keep up the good work... i think the Internet is ready for you!

Anonymous said...

Hello there Mr Bob, or Uncle Bob to me!! I'm looking forward to some interesting reading material! Good luck, Sharon.

Lisa Kopil said...

Hi Mr. Bob. Yours is the second Blog I have been too (the first being your son, Marc's). Fun stuff! Hey lets hear more about the Elvis music stuff! Cia

mr.bob said...

Hi Lisa and Sharon, thank you for popping into my blog. The other day I wrote a short story of my admiration and proudness that I have for both of you. When I was done, I hit "publish" and expected the paragraghs to appear on my blog somewhere. It didn't, and why I don't know. I'm a real klutz with computers and things like this are common to me. If I can recall my thoughts on what I wrote, I'll try again. I'm actually doing this to see if this letter will appear. Ifd not, I'll write a letter and post it by mail to you. Mr. Bob

Lisa Kopil said...

Just keep trying! That last comment gave me such a good laugh and how healthy and good is laughing? So thanks for that one!

mr.bob said...

To Lisa, to Sharon, the two charming ladies that are called my Nieces. As promised I'd try to write a brief comment on them to make up for the one that disappeared. Well, thy're just two marvellous people. They're both extroverts, which means that they can be chatty, funny and just blossomy with personality. I think Sharon is bit more devilish than Lisa, but Lisa knows how to be mischievious also, except she is a bit more discreet about it.They're both terrific parents and any kid would love to have them as parents...they're both so cool.They're both polite, respectful, and kind. Sharon and Lisa are are also attractive young women, and that more than likely comes from their Mom.You could never get bored spending time with either of them..they are so imaginative and creative. I owe them a debt of gratitude for their rolls in my Son's life, especially when they were young and growing up together.They gave him a friendship based on care and love. Even though I am not in touch with my nieces on a regular basis, whenever we are on the phone, they both know hopw to make me lagh and always make me feel good about myself.I can assure you that these two women are rarities, and I'm awfully proud to be their Uncle Bob. Bye. Unka Bob

Anonymous said...

Hey Bobby, Cant wait to see you in Vancouver again, Gingers miss you , take care buddy !!